News & Resources

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April 2024 Monthly Call Highlights

Lai Yi Ohlsen of M-Lab highlighted the evolution of their Network Diagnostic Tool (NDT), which has collected data from 6 billion tests over 15 years, and introduced their new customizable Measurement Swiss Army Knife.


March 2024 Monthly Call Highlights

The March National Broadband Mapping Coalition monthly call introduced Jenny Miller of EducationSuperHighway. Jenny discussed their work on the state challenge process and their focus on closing the digital divide.


February 2024 Monthly Call Highlights

The February National Broadband Mapping Coalition monthly call led by Christine Parker, Senior GIS Analyst at ILSR, tackled BEAD challenges, accuracy concerns with ISP mapping data, and shared resources for writing broadband and digital equity plans.


December 2023 Call Highlights

The December National Broadband Mapping Coalition monthly call featured representatives from the Louisiana and Virginia broadband offices, sharing their experiences in preparing responses for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program challenge process.


November 2023 Call Highlights

The National Broadband Mapping Coalition held its latest monthly call on November 29, 2023. Coalition leader Dustin Loup opened the discussion with an overview of notable updates to the challenge process.


October 2023 Call Highlights

The National Broadband Mapping Coalition held its latest monthly call on October 25, 2023. The discussion centered on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program and the challenge process for BEAD fund eligibility.

Broadband Mapping Analysis Tools

Recommendations for Browser-Based Speed Test Surveys

Measurement Methodology There are various differences in the methodologies used by different network performance testing tools. While there many of these tests available, the two

State Broadband Maps

West Virginia Broadband Map

State West Virginia Details The West Virginia Office of Broadband provides multiple interactive maps that include address level detail, broadband investments, provider service areas, demographics,

State Broadband Maps

Connecticut Broadband Map

North Dakota does not currently have an up-to-date broadband map available.